Dr Daisy V Shah offers Consultations & Training in Astrology Vastu Tarot Yogasutras & Meditations

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Students are not allowed to tape the class in any manner.

Be respectful while interacting with people in this place.

Do not ask for guidance in class or consultation, for success in immoral /unethical pursuits.

Do not ask your teacher to do Aura /Tarot / Kundali Reading or to do any other consultation for you or for the people that you know of in the class.

Remember that you are here to study, not to get a readymade consultation.

Dr. Daisy V Sha(h) practices Kaastha Mauna (Non-expression in all forms) when it is found that expressing anything would be harmful to your long term good.

Do not refer to person’s caste, community, religion etc either to insult a person or to take benefit from her /him.

No gifts of material nature are to be given to Dr. Daisy V Sha(h)/ to senior students/ assistants/ their family members.

Do not bring along or send children of age 13 years or below here for the reasons that can be explained only in the class. (Pregnant women may attend class & consultation both.)

There is a time limit set for consultations; use that time wisely. Do not engage Dr. Daisy V Sha(h) beyond the designated time. Also if you do not have enough questions to utilize the full session, don’t expect Dr. Daisy V Sha(h) to fill in the time with her inputs.

Be on time for your consultation /meeting. Anybody coming more than 10 minutes late won’t be attended on that day at all.

The time-countdown for the consultation /meeting begins with the beginning of the designated time, not when individual/s show up.

Please do not call or meet Dr. Daisy V Sha(h) for guiding support after months of attending the course, if you haven’t pursued learning from your experience. She simply won’t know what to do!

Call Dr Daisy V Sha(h) on +91-9819193149. Calls are not picked during classes & consultations. If any emergency, sms details. Inquiries via SMSs are otherwise not entertained.

Email at spiritual.arts@yahoo.com