Dr Daisy V Shah offers Consultations & Training in Astrology Vastu Tarot Yogasutras & Meditations

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About Dr Daisy V Shah ND

Dr Daisy V Shah is a Reiki Master, Jyotirvid, Vastushashtri, Aura Reader, Tarot Reader & Pastlife Therapist.

Along with her formal education in software engineering, she started learning about energy works. After learning Reiki second degree, she made decision to go ahead in this field for both her personal & professional growth.

After learning Reiki Mastership, her learning flow took her naturally to Karuna Reiki, Crystal Healing, Pyramid Healing, Pendulum Dowsing & Healing, Aura Reading & Healing, Color Therapy.Gems Therapy, Pastlife Recalling, Vedic Astrology, Palmistry, Meditations, Patanjali Yoga, Tarot & Numerology.

And she is still learning.

She started practicing healing professionally from 1992. She started giving consultations in divination methods like Tarot, Numerology, Astrology etc from 1999. She is teaching courses in these & other healing & divination methods since 2000.

She has given her famous presentations on these subjects at various Rotary Clubs, Trusts, Corporate companies, charity functions organized by famous magazines etc She has also conducted many corporate training programme.

Her regular clients include many politicians,influencial government & police employees, bollywood, modelling & advt fields, businessmen, HR depts, architects, big & small business owners, housewives, students etc.

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I am Dr Daisy V Sha(h)

I am a Reiki healer since 1991. I started teaching Reiki since 1999. Reiki has been my guiding force through many phases and has always uplifted me. In between 1991 and 1999, I learned various alternative therapies, divination methods and Shada-darshanas.

The reason for doing so was that whenever I found unexplanable experiences in practicing Reiki healing and following its principles, I was guided by master guides to learn more - Tarot, Crystals Healing, Pastlife Recalling, Aura Reading, Vastu, Astrology, Palmistry, Face Reading etc.

When I found a strong block of energy in a patient's home, I learned Vastu.

When I found myself changing appearances through many past lives, I learned face reading.

When I saw colors and strong energy fields around people and pets, I learned Aura Reading.

When I saw various deities in my vision, I learned Vedas.

I also learned naturopathy after I saw myself as a naturopath in one of my pastlives, to workout some blockages! It has been quite a journey so far!

The most interesting task was to connect all these apparently different fields and understand that all these fields just throw light on different facets of our existence. (So, of course it makes sense teach many of these subjects in a single course!)

These experiences have enriched me with such a knowledge that I now want to share my knowledge, with Viveka of course, with people on the path of self-discovery. When one is full of happiness, it overflows! 

I shut my eyes in order to see. - Paul Gauquin